Monday, August 17, 2009

Getting to know the local ways

I need some additional furniture--so my maid, Martine went shopping for me. She found a desk which we put in the kitchen for more counter top space as well as having six drawers. I also got a table for my desk top computer. When I asked her how we would get it home, she went a hired a horse and cart which was tied up just down the street from the shop. It is a neighborhood shopping street--no tourist here. You walk past goats and chickens, stands where people roast and sell bags of peanuts. The photo is the cart arriving at my apartment, which is on the second floor. Martine told me not to come with her when she hired the cart--without me she could negotiate a better price.

I finally got the internet hooked up in my
apartment. This is what the cord situation is like.
I had to run extention cords from the outlet that works on one side of the room, over to the phone connection that works to hook up the router. I had to borrow a phone from my neighbor to use to make the connection. You have to have a land line phone connection in order to get on to the internet. On the other side of the room, there is an electrical outlet that works--and a telephone jack that does not work. Such is life here. I have lost electricity several times--and the back up generator does not work properly. I am told it will get fixed--some day. I have been told we only need air conditioner for about two more months--and then the dry season arrives with cooler temperatures--some consider it down right cold!


  1. What an adventurer you are. I am most impressed by the 3 1/2 bathrooms you procured in your apartment.
    I look forward to reading future posts.

    Love and light

  2. I see a little piece of Parami in this photo! He's clearly making a statement as proprietor of your new home.
