Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Summer 2011--Paris

Two days after school ended, I flew to Paris, and stayed in France for several weeks.  First in Paris, then to  the meditation center for a 10 day course, then on to Provence for a week before flying back to Boston.

I was in  Paris only for 3 days.  I stayed with Dick Barnet's friend, Anne.  I walked around her neighborhood--and came across this child care center.  I wanted to visit, but it was closed so I just peaked in.  It was next to nice park.  

Here is the canal that I was looking for when I discovered the child care center. 

Anne and her friend, mid-summer night eve, fete de musique, we walked around to free outdoor music
until we need to sit at a cafe. 

Anne and I at cafe--along the Seine, below Notre Dame.  It was still light out  when  I got back to her place at 11am.

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