Sunday, October 2, 2011

Spring Break

Spring Break was only one week at the end of March.  Marje and I  decided that we just needed some basic R&R--no major travels, so we went to Saly, a resort town south of Dakar.  We took a "sept place", basically an old stationwagon with three rows of seat, (2,3,3) there is one seat next to the driver, making it 7 places to hire.  They don't leave until it fills up.  We went to the main transportation center, and found a sept place, go where we wanted to go, that already had 3 people and the way back (for three people) was available.  We paid for all three places which made the ride much more comfortable, so we only had to wait for one more person.  The drive took about an hour and a half.  We had book a room at this hotel, call the Flamboyant, because it had this lap pool and Marje and both like to swim. 

A couple who both teach at the school and have two boys, had rented a vacation home in Saly for the week. They invited us over to their place for BBQ the last night and then gave us a ride back to Dakar the next day.  Here Jennifer and Marje not talking about school. 

We pretty much just hung out by the pool, although we did walk over to the beach area and the nice hotels that are right on the beach--but none of them had good swimming pools for laps.  We would also walk down to the good French bakery. The three nights there were just perfect. 

Here's the TeHuki's, Jennifer and husband Murray.  They met which teaching overseas, Murray is from New Zealand and Jennifer from the US.  They have two boys, in 1st and 4th grade. They alternate summers visiting grandparents in NewZealand and US.  They most recently had been teaching in Bulgaria. 

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