Monday, June 15, 2009

Moving Along--Work Community

The shipment to Senegal is on its way! Continuing to lighten my material baggage--giving things away--I ask myself now, will I really care about this when I return in two or three years. Ninety percent of the time, the answer is no. Only one more innoculation to go and I'll be finished with being a human pin cushion.

A few weeks ago, I had lunch with two friends who I worked with in the 90's. This weekend I visited with former colleagues from Cambridge Head Start, from the early 80's. It got me thinking about all the wonderful people I have had the pleasure to work with over the years. Most of my jobs have been with like-minded, caring, and supportive colleagues. We share our family troubles and joys, seem to keep our sense of humor no matter what came our way, and jumped in to help each other when needed. I shudder to remember the few times when work wasn't like that--what a drain it was on the body and the psyche. I never did learn any coping skills, I just fled.

My internet correspondence with future colleagues, some are already teaching at the school, others are 'new hires' like myself, gives me hope that this will be an equally enjoyable work community.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, My best wishes go with you. I hope you will continue to let all of us know how you are doing.
