Monday, May 12, 2014

Re-imagining a life

        Turning 70 was more of a milestone that I thought it would be.  I thought it would be just one year older.  However, the birthday coincided with returning to the states, retiring from work, moving to apartment in a small town in western Mass and undergoing knee replacement surgeries.  It has been almost a year since I moved back.  I feel that I am just getting some balance to my life.

     The two knee surgeries, Oct 1 and Feb 4 sapped my energy.  I was house bound for a month each time; with nurses and physical therapist coming to the house.  It was painful getting out of bed each morning, I needed to use the walker just to get to toilet with its booster seat just to pee. Pain medication made me drowsy; I couldn't concentrate to read anything longer than an magazine article.  I got off the narcotic pain killers as soon as possible because they made me so constipated.  I never thought of it before, but I think heroin addicts but be horribly constipated. Recover seems to go in stages, I'll make improvement then hit a plateau, begin to feel discouraged, and then a few day I notice a marked improvement.  During the discouraging stage, I would accomplish little, feel tired and out of sorts. This passed weekend for the first time in over 6 months I went bike riding two days in a row.  Cycling has always added to my sense of well being, so it was gratifying to out there. I relived the sense of liberation of my first rides, eight years old, sailing through the German countryside, and taking a ferry across the river for a few fpennigs.

     I corresponded with my former students in Dakar, and was missing them terribly.  I talked to kids where ever I found them, walking my dog, in the grocery store, or hanging outside.  In mid-April I volunteered to go work in a primary classroom where Johanna was subbing.  The 1st day was just a half day; the second day, Friday was a full day and the last day before the April school vacation week.  I was exhausted by 3 pm and sat on the sofa while Johanna read the end of the read-aloud chapter book. I almost feel asleep!  I had a great time tutoring some of the kids. I signed up to sub but haven't been called yet.  Just as well since I have more stamina now.

     Inga and I had a lovely break over Christmas vacation, we flew to Porto Alegre, Brazil to visit the Overs for two weeks in January.  We arrived just before New Years, Hans picked us up at the airport and had champaign to celebrate.  Nelisa when a woke the kids up to welcome us as well.

     I have been meeting with contractors about the addition that I'm putting on the north side of Johanna's house.  It will be one room, a living room with large picture windows facing the river (east) and sliding glass door on the west side opening out onto a deck and small fenced in yard. Having to think through all the details and materials is demanding, especially do it for the first time, I always relied on Lee to do all of this.

I thought that moving to this small town would be somewhat isolating but there is plenty to do, movies, live music, lovely areas for biking and walking.

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