Friday, November 4, 2011

Les Baux de Provence Summer 2011

You can read more about this town at, It is a beautiful region and two things that I interested me was the hospital for lepers--one of the few for 100's of years and the other was their "fortications" and defenses.  It seems that civilization has not evolved to a more enlightened cooperative coexistence--that the focus is always on defending our own.  Visited here while staying in Provence with Lucette and Serge.
Hospital for lepers

Santos, began as carved figures for creches--now a popular craft.  The figures around the creche as typical pesants of the time period.  

The most progressive defense system of the day. 

Walls around the hospital, lavender along the path.

Ate at one of the restauants, you work up an appetite doing all this sightseeing!  Couldn't resist  this fabulous dessert of chocolate and fresh raspberries.

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