Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving in Senegal

Some of the staff got together for Thanksgiving--only 5 of the 10 adults were Americans. Many of the American teachers took off to other spots in Senegal for the holiday. We gathered at Eric's apartment, he is the elementary school principal. Dom, who is one of the organizers, bought 4 already roasted chickens from the big supermarket here, called Casino. The meal was complete with cranberry sauce, a pan of stuffing (that I made) and pumpkin and apple pie.

One of the Senegalese staff asked what the holiday was about--they only knew it as the holiday where American's eat turkey. This coming Saturday is a big Muslim holiday here, Tabaski. I am going to a Tabaski meal on Saturday--and other meal on Sunday. More about that on a future post.

Eric and his poodle, Belgie

1 comment:

  1. More exotic than my "Thanksgiving" in Canada - no holiday there, but all know, or think they know, all about it since there is a Canadian "Thanksgiving" on our Columbus Day weekend. But I went up to see Kate & friends as well, and enjoyed Viet Namese cuisine.
