Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Assistant Teacher--Sedi

Not only have I been assigned the best group of children, I am fortunate to have an outstanding assistant. She has been at the school for 10 years. Her mother works in the school office. The only downside of having Sedi for my assistant is that she is pregnant! She is due in October--I have told her to take as much time as possible and not return to work until after the winter vacation.

Last year, Sedi assisted the French teachers, and has already been asked to substitute for an absent French teacher. She worked in the kindergarten once before, and also other elementary grades. She knows the ropes, reminds me of all the routines (like making sure the children empty their shoes of sand when they return from the playground).

She gets things done that I didn't even know need to be done! And she has lots of good advice about how to do things. For example, next week the children start swimming lessons in PE. They need to get changed into suits, get to the pool, and after swimming, get dressed and off to their last period of French lessons. I sort of shuddered at the thought of doing all this in 40 minutes! No problem, Sedi has a game plan. Get the girls into their suits first, before music, then get the boys ready by having them leave music a little early. She said I need to recruit two parents to help at the end of swimming to get them dressed and off to French. Voila! problem solved.

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