Thursday, September 17, 2009

Classroom arrangement

I had been concerned that there was no water or sand in the classroom. There is lots of sand outside, and two water tables which we can set up outside. Right now the weather is extremely hot and humid, but sometime in October it will dry out and cool off, at that point we can spend more time outside.

The classroom is set up with left half of the room as a meeting area and construction zone, dramatic play area, and art table and easel at the back near the sink. On the right side of the classroom are the children's cubbies, a math/manipulative table, a science/manipulative table, my desk with computer next to the writing area. There is a room that connects the two kindergarten classroom which has been set up as a book area--also puppets. The other classroom rarely uses it--their classroom is larger and they have a fairly large book area in the classroom. I still have the classroom rather bare, as we are introducing different materials and adding slowly.

I dislike those ECE rugs with all the patterns and colors, but it is the only rug I could get. The room is all hard surfaces and the noise level is high. Sometimes, I think the decibel level is so high we'll all get hearing damage--but I look around the classroom--during choice time--and all the children are busy and productive, everyone engaged and happy.

In the photos you see the children at snack time, on the rug building with small colored blocks, and some center activities, water colors at art table, geo boards, and a sorting button activity at the math table. I had read the story of "The Lost Button" in Frog and Toad Are Friends before we introduced this activity in small group. Two weeks later when I read "Corduroy"--the teddy bear who was missing a button on his overalls--the children commented on the relationship of how Corduroy was like Toad--missing a button. And we had a good discussion about they the dealt with the problem differently!

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