Saturday, February 12, 2011

Carrying Things

One of the things I notice most about being in Africa is how people carry stuff.  Mostly on their heads, but also piled high on vehicles of all sorts.  While on vacation in Togo, I was reading one of the books for my book group, Ancestor Stones by Aminatta Fornaand (takes place in Sierra Leone). In it, she described a funny scene of a white woman's futile attempts to push a pram along an unpaved path.  The locals stared and laughted up their sleeves and then finally someone came to her aid and lifted it up and carried it on his head.

I liked this picture, below, of the woman with the huge bag of plastic curlers on her head.

And the babies are always on their backs.

The pig was actually alive! I can't imagine how they got it on the motorcycle and how far they going with it!

Charcoal used for cooking and heating water.

And the last one is the best, carrying crates of eggs--see the link to the facebook--I posted it last year and can not find where the photo is in my computer.

1 comment:

  1. Love this - reminds me of an image I have (only in my mind, no camera handy) of people on bicycles in Cambodia carrying enormous loads of lumber, or melons or other produce.
